Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Nancy Dons The Burqa

WASHINGTON - President Bush scoffed yesterday at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's trip to Syria, calling it "counterproductive" and saying, "Sending delegations doesn't work."

The Bush administration has pursued a policy of trying to isolate Syria, which it accuses of supporting terrorism.

Pelosi is set to meet today with Syrian leader Bashar Assad in the highest-level contact between Syrian and American officials in four years..."

And you know damned well that she'll say that oh golly, it's nothing more than part of their culture.

Like buying and selling woman is part of their culture.

Disgusting witch.

"Bush did not directly criticize three GOP congressmen who toured Syria over the weekend, but seemed to include them yesterday, saying visits like Pelosi's send "mixed signals" to Assad."

Of course it sends mixed signals. You do not negotiate with criminals. You incarcerate or eliminate them.

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