Sunday, April 01, 2007

Newt He No Hablo

WASHINGTON — "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich equated bilingual education Saturday with "the language of living in a ghetto" and mocked requirements that ballots be printed in multiple languages.

"The government should quit mandating that various documents be printed in any one of 700 languages depending on who randomly shows up" to vote, said Gingrich, who is considering seeking the Republican presidential nomination in 2008. He made the comments in a speech to the National Federation of Republican Women.

"The American people believe English should be the official language of the government. ... We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto," Gingrich said to cheers from the crowd of more than 100.

"Citizenship requires passing a test on American history in English. If that's true, then we do not have to create ballots in any language except English," he said."

Time was when immigrants to America had no choice. Learn the language or be left out. Then a strange and unprecedented thing happened. Liberals decided to cater to spanish speaking people in order to get their vote. Sure, the one in the household who applies for citizenship must learn English, but not so the friends and family. Who dawdle on work and residency visas, as well as flat out arrive illegally. We are on your side, the liberals say, we know how hard it is and we don't want to put you through the hassle of learning a new language. Oh sure, eventually some of you will have to understand enough so as to become citizens, but we want you to remember who it was that made things so easy for you ALL, back when you didn't understand a word and were a stranger in a strange land.


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