Thursday, April 05, 2007

NJ FBI Agent Killed By Fellow Fed During Robbery Sting

"An FBI agent killed Thursday in a shootout with three bank robbery suspects in north central New Jersey might have been shot accidentally by another member of his stakeout team, the FBI said.

Special Agent Barry Lee Bush, 52, assigned to the Newark FBI office, died after agents confronted three men suspected in a series of armed bank robberies.

"Preliminarily, information suggests the agent may have been fatally wounded as a result of the accidental discharge of another agent's weapon during a dynamic arrest situation," the FBI said in a statement released Thursday night. Investigators from the FBI's Inspection Division have been dispatched to the scene to review what happened, the FBI said..."

Accidental discharge of another agent's weapon during a dynamic arrest situation. Law enforcement remains the last holdout in calling a negligent discharge, accidental. You or I screw the pooch and fire an unintended round, through a target, a wall, the TV, etc, and we refer to it as negligence. Generally speaking, this is called owning up to the fact that guns do not shoot by themselves, and we should not compare an unintended discharge to a parking lot fender-bender by calling it an accident. If the weapon is proven to be faulty, however, well then sure. But this happens once in a million times, to be generous, and it's a small man indeed that blames the tool.

A NEGLIGENT discharge killed an FBI agent today. High time law enforcement took off the training wheels, upped the ante, and faced the world as full grown men. Nowadays, it IS an exclusive club, mind you, but there's plenty of room so feel free to join us.


"Barry Lee Bush, 52, was in a car that tried to block one suspect acting as a scout for his accomplices outside the PNC Bank in Readington, N.J., a senior law enforcement official said.

A van full of officers pulled up next to the suspect's car, and one of the agents accidentally fired his rifle as he leaped out. The bullet struck Bush's car and clipped him in the armpit, where he was not covered by his bulletproof vest, the official said."

"Clipped"? Penetrated through layers of skin, muscle, and artery's causing massive internal bleeding followed closely by what? Too TRUE? Accident. Clipped. Where's the puppy?

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