Monday, April 09, 2007

Non-Lethal "Ray-Gun" Victim Returns Home...

Airman Burned In Ray-Gun Test Home From Hospital

"The unidentified airman suffered second-degree burns during an evaluation of a non-lethal heat-ray gun this week in South Georgia.

Officials say the injured airman was taken to the Joseph M. Still Burn Center at Doctors Hospital in Augusta after the incident Wednesday. They now say he was released Friday after being treated for second-degree burns, which can cause pain and superficial blisters.

He's a member of the 820th Security Forces Group, based at Moody Air Force Base, near Valdosta, which is evaluating the space-age weapon, known as the Active Denial System. It fires an electromagnetic beam that makes people feel as if they are about to catch fire.

Apart from creating a terrifying sensation, the technology is supposed to be a harmless, non-lethal way to disrupt riots or persuade enemies to drop their weapons."

Well then. I guess those Docs over at the Burn Center might have a thing or two to say about the medical definition for the word "harmless". The military is one thing, as any weapon system that doesn't flat-out destroy an enemy down to his essential DNA is considered non-lethal, but picture this in the hands of a New Orleans cop. Lord only knows, the police here in Florida have been complaining that some perps have been tasered so often they've become accustomed to the feeling, and our LE would jump at the chance to try something else.

A truly bad hombre is only going to get even more pissed if you cascade him with macro-waves, and it certainly isn't for making someone drop a lethal weapon any time soon. Hell, McDonalds can't even sell hot coffee without warning of the harmful effects of dropping a cup in one's lap, so just imagine the run on ambulance chasers something like this would create.

Thanks again to The War on Guns.

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