Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ohio Mayors Join Fight on "Illegal" Guns

CINCINNATI — "The mayor of Cincinnati, which set a record for homicides last year, has signed on with a national coalition seeking to curb illegal gun sales.

Mayor Mark Mallory on Thursday joined several suburban mayors for a ceremonial signing with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, co-founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

"Public safety is a regional issue that requires a united response," Mallory said. "Criminals do not recognize municipal boundaries, and we need to make sure that our efforts do not stop at our individual borders either."

More than 180 mayors across the country are members of the coalition, founded last year by Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.

Cincinnati had 89 homicides last year, seven more than anytime since police began keeping consistent records in 1950. Mallory and Hamilton County Coroner O'dell Owens say most involved illegal drugs.

"Keeping illegal guns off our streets has absolutely nothing to do with the Second Amendment or the rights of lawful gun owners," Bloomberg said. "It's about enforcing the law and cracking down on criminals."

Ah Mike, but how you must HATE the internet. Fox won't fisk this stupidity, nor will Rush or Laura or Neal, but welcome to the 21st Century, bucko.

Since YOU are the one deciding what is or is not legal, then but of course its a 2nd Amendment issue, Bloomy.

As you well know, Mikey, Liberal Mayors in liberal towns go out of their way to trash the Constitution by prohibiting the sale and ownership of guns to law abiding citizens. And since it's never dawned on you that THIS ITSELF IS ILLEGAL, you haven't a clue as to why all of the fuss.

The fact of the matter is that you don't get to decide which Constitutional right I get to exercise on any given day, so all of your huffing and puffing and creating anti-gun-clubs doesn't mean a hill of beans, Mike. If Cincinnati had so many homicides then find and arrest and jail the CRIMINALS who've committed these crimes.

Why is this too complicated a proposal? Sweet mother of pearl fellas and gals, but not ALL of these killers can be minorities so get cracking, then report back to your bosses like good little civil servants and we'll let you know how you're doing.

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