Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Rudi Says It's OK To Fly The Confederate Flag

MONTGOMERY, Ala. - "Whether or not to fly the Confederate flag over the state capitol is something individual states should decide, Rudy Giuliani said yesterday during a swing through the South.

"One of the great beauties of the kind of government we have, which is a national, federal government, [is that] on a broad range of issues, we can make different decisions in different parts of the country," the GOP presidential front-runner said after addressing the Alabama Legislature.

The display of the Confederate flag has been seen by some as a source of pride and by others as a loathsome symbol of the South's history of slavery. It has become a contentious issue in many Southern states.

"We have different sensitivities and at different times we're going to come to different decisions, and I think that is best left to the states," Giuliani said.

He made the comment after meeting with Republican Gov. Bob Riley and telling Alabama lawmakers that as President, he would cut taxes, trim the government workforce and shore up the nation's defenses against terrorism.

The former mayor was also asked by a reporter to peg the price of a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread.

Giuliani estimated a gallon of milk would cost about $1.50 and that a loaf of bread could be had for $1.25 or $1.30. He also guessed, unprompted, that gas cost $2.89 a gallon in New York and $2.60 in Alabama...."

Yeah, yeah, and he was close. I didn't think it was possible for Mr. Smooth to continue to make mistake after mistake, and not that I'm a Julie Annie fan but occasionally sticking up for whomever the MSM takes an unshining to is cantankerous fun. We won't see Julie tripping up as Imus in trying to be hip by using the same language as blacks with heavy duty street creds, so while he MIGHT believe the Confederate flag is just fine there'll be no nappy-headed-ho's from this lad.

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