Thursday, April 12, 2007

Saddam Still Alive...

"Saddam Hussein is "alive and well" - or so says an agent selling what he purports is "forensic evidence" that the Iraqi dictator's execution was faked. Phoenix-based David Hans Schmidt tells us he's been hired by an unnamed "foreign head of state," whose intelligence service believes Saddam "is living in a foreign country under an assumed name."

"My clients have written and recorded interviews with Iraqi government officials, along with certified state documents from a foreign secret service," says Schmidt.

Schmidt says he'll even reveal Saddam's "new home address," though he warns anyone tempted to visit that Hussein is said to be well guarded.

Since the Dec. 30, 2006, execution, conspiracy theorists have posited that Hussein loyalists swapped the corpse of a body double for the actual leader. (A German forensic pathologist, Dieter Buhmann, has asserted that, based on his analysis of 450 images, Saddam had at least three doubles to confuse his enemies.)"

Greater love hath no double than to give up his life for a fiend.

Yeah right. Forget the salary, the benefits for THAT gig gotta be splendiferous.

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