Sunday, April 15, 2007

Stop The Presses: Germans Might Very Well Be Prejudiced...

April 15, 2007 -- Who would have thought that the German army could be so insensitive?

A video airing on Teutonic television shows a German drill sergeant goose-stepping all over New York City's feelings by ordering a soldier to imagine that he was "in The Bronx" shooting at "African-Americans" during target practice.

The slaughterhouse-jive clip opens in a forest with the instructor barking commands to the camouflaged soldier, who's armed with a heavy machine gun.

The instructor shouts, "You are in The Bronx! A black van is stopping in front of you! Three African-Americans are getting out - and they are insulting your mother in the worst ways . . . Act!"

The soldier, being a good German, follows orders and fires several shots - all the time yelling, "Motherf- - - - -!" over and over in English.

Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión Jr. has demanded an apology and called the clip proof positive "that bias and assumptions and racism are alive and well around the world."

"We need to put to rest the prejudices and the hate that are allowed . . . to be perpetuated so easily and cheaply," said Carrión, a Puerto Rican who recently returned from a trip to Germany - to, of all things, promote tourism to The Bronx.

"The German government obviously has work to do to correct something that is insidious," he said. ". . . Clearly, these folks don't know anything about African-Americans or The Bronx."

The Defense Ministry said that the video was shot in July 2006 at barracks in the northern German town of Rendsburg and that the army had been aware of it since January..."

Holy shit on a shingle. Neither Al nor Jesse can get Germany fired, so what's a con-monger to do?

And not for nothing gang, but as a NY'er born and raised here's a tidbit of advice; if you're in the South Bronx and a van pulls up like that and out steps some angry looking brothers, then there are only two options; kiss your ass goodbye or open fire. Wait, there's a third. Begin preaching to them about your love for all of mankind and at least you'll die clueless and without all that fear screaming through your system.

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