Sunday, April 01, 2007

T-55 and T-72Tanks


I swear but no one has any sense of adventure here. I've been trying to get together a group of guys to kick in and buy us a T-55 tank, similar to the one pictured.

Tanks For Sale in the UK has lots of em and I was browsing to see how much it'd cost to have one imported rather than pay through the nose here, but there doesn't seem to be much difference.

The T-72...the one in the garage bay...might be the better deal all things being equal, but having something imported is always dicey. Be a real bitch to get the ducks in a row then have some piece of crap arrive, so what I'll probably do is shop around using the pricing these guys gave me. I sort of told them I wouldn't go advertising what I was quoted and they've been decent enough blokes so I'll wait until they piss me off before divulging anything. Suffice to say I was looking at having 5 or 6 of us toss in some hefty moolah, and the one guy who was a tanker is all for doing it but some of the others are iffy.

Oh well. Not that I know squat about being a tanker, but how freakin cool would it be to go off roading in a real deal and not some soccer mom tin can. And its not all that hard to make it civilian legal either. You can keep the big gun but have to demill the breech, yet it'd still make one helluva potato gun.

Maybe some day. Other guys dream of sports cars, I just want a tank.

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Speak yer peace, fella's