Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Target Store Denies Asking Marines to Leave
Monday, April 09, 2007

Two Marines say they were kicked out of a Target store in Virginia by a shift manager who they say falsely accused the uniform-wearing pair of recruiting, according to an area newspaper.
The store's manager denies the account.

Brian Sherman, who manages the Chesapeake South store, says he was not present when the incident allegedly took place but, "They were not asked to leave, in fact they walked around the store and continued to shop."

Click here to read the full report in The Virginian-Pilot.

But 22-year-old Cpl. Carlos Rodriguez says he was talking to a high school friend who works in the store "when this guy comes out of nowhere. He was the shift manager, or something, and the first thing he started saying was, 'You guys are recruiters, right?' "

This was on the short list of things to post, and since Cookie beat me to it, hit the headline link for the 411.

Needless to say, I am slightly perturbed. Were I to be even MORE perturbed, I'd remind them what TARGET stands for. But, being civilized, lets just say they could give away everything in the store absolutely free of charge and you couldn't get me in one of those commie invested crap houses with an Iranian boat patrol threatening harm if I demurred. These were, after all, real Marines, not Brits, so this is big news.

Who do they think they are?


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