Thursday, April 12, 2007

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Fish & Wildlife Staff Find Learn That Rabbits Can Be Eaten By Predators

EPHRATA, Wash. — "Most of a group of 20 endangered rabbits that were reintroduced to the wild with great fanfare last month have been killed by predators, state officials said.

The 3,700-acre release site has been watched daily by Fish and Wildlife staff. Several of the rabbits were fitted with GPS monitors. Of the four rabbits remaining at the site, three are females who could be pregnant, officials said.

Hays said the rapid decline in population does not doom the multimillion-dollar project to return the near-extinct rabbit to its natural environment. More rabbits will be released in the area, and experts are looking for ways to reduce predation."

Returning the rabbit to its "natural environment" means it gets eaten. But..."experts" are looking to see what they can do to ameliorate this tragedy.

Can't make this stuff up.

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