Thursday, July 26, 2007

Unlike CT Doctors, Men In India Know How To Protect THEIR Families...


— "Two domesticated elephants went on a rampage in India's remote northeast, killing eight people and wounding five others before being shot dead by police, officials said Thursday.

Police were searching for the owners of the elephants and trying to establish what caused the violent behavior, rare among tamed elephants.

The attacks occurred Wednesday in an area bordering India's Assam and Mizoram states, said Gautam Ganguly, a senior government official in the area.

The two elephants, a male and a female, ran through at least five villages, trampling anyone who got in their way before crossing into the neighboring state of Mizoram, where police were called in.

"Men of the Mizoram police finally gunned the elephants down after dusk," Ganguly said."

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