Wednesday, June 11, 2008

U.S., Mexico launch unprecedented effort to disrupt cross-border weapons smuggling

Um...Did They FORGET About the Drug And PEOPLE Smuggling?

By DAVID McLEMORE / The Dallas Morning News / The Dallas Morning News
Laurence Iliff contributed to this report from Mexico City.

HOUSTON – Tons of heroin and cocaine move north across the Southwestern border. And millions of dollars and truckloads of weapons move south – feeding the escalating levels of violence that have turned parts of Mexico into war zones and spread as far as North Texas.

At least 80 percent of all of the weapons used by drug traffickers in Mexico to kill one another as well as police and soldiers come from the U.S., Mexican officials say. They've repeatedly asked the U.S. government for more help in stopping the flow of weapons from Texas and other border states into Mexico.

On Monday, U.S. and Mexican customs investigation officials unveiled a cooperative effort called Armas Cruzadas to disrupt cross-border weapons smuggling through the sharing of databases and better monitoring of illicit sales at guns shops and guns shows.

This is hilarious.

They can't stop the drugs or the illegals coming in, so they blame you and me for owning guns and want to make it harder for us to do so.

The police, the Feds, the special interests, the SAME special interests that promote global warming and are directly responsible for the high price of fuel, are getting damned good at conspiring, via the Yellowstream Media, to disarm us as well as lowering our standard of living to the point whereby we become needy-ass peasants looking for a handout.

Just like the other sub-culture of begging humanoids they created, but since those folks happen to kill one another at an alarming rate there is a burning need for more slaves.

Oh, almost forgot; I'm waiting for this sentence to appear in a Jurassic Press story:

"At least 80% of all of the murders and rapes and thieving going on by illegal aliens comes from those who arrived via Mexico."

Thanks to The War on Guns

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