Friday, February 06, 2009

Waaaaaaaaa.....I Won!...Waaaaaaaaaaa

"The president should read the transcript of the third presidential debate. He claimed his program represented "a net spending cut." He called himself "a strong proponent of pay-as-you-go. Every dollar that I've proposed, I've proposed an additional cut so that it matches." He added, "We need to eliminate a whole host of programs that don't work."

Now, no president can adhere to every jot and tittle from his campaign, but the "I won" argument only works if the campaign program matches the governing program.

Obama himself seems confused on what exactly "I won" means. In a meeting with Republicans, he brandished "I won" as a defense of his version of tax relief. But he later used "I won" to push back against an excessive reliance on tax cuts, claiming that it had been repudiated during the campaign even though he talked every day on the trail of cutting taxes for "95 percent of working people" and never once mentioned a commitment to extreme deficit spending.

Obama has to make a case for the bill on the merits, a surpassingly difficult forensic task. In a Washington Post op-ed, Obama called for "swift, bold and wise" action, but it's possible to have at most two of those things at once. The current legislation is swift and bold (indeed, shameless) but not remotely wise.

The bill came out of the House with a price tag of $819 billion. It would spend more in 2011 alone than in this year, and more in 2012 and beyond than in this year. Why far-off spending priorities have to be set in a rush now is something no one can explain - except that congressional Democrats want to toss bulging sacks of cash out the door.

Obama writes that the bill "is more than a prescription for short-term spending - it's a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity." Fine. A long-term strategy deserves long-term deliberation, the hearings and other processes meant to exercise a check on legislating in a panic."

Oh for heavens sake, enough, already.

The most liberal Senator in all the world...wait a minute while I check on Rome's Kato The Spender, he might have been as socialist as OhBummer is...gets elected by lying to the good folks who own America, and people are behaving, Conservative-minded people no less, as if this is a shock, shock I say.

We were so disgusted with his charade that many staunch and true patriots actually voted for McCain fer chrissake. There, that says it all. Time to call a spade a spade and stop making believe that the guy is smart and really really trying. Because all he's trying to do is make us as bankrupt as Europe just so they stop hating us.

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