Tuesday, June 22, 2010

McChrystal Soon To Be On The Carpet Again...

..For being truthful about the "wimps in the White House."

The top U.S. war commander in Afghanistan issued an apology late Monday for a "Rolling Stone" magazine profile in which he said he felt betrayed by the man the White House chose to be his diplomatic partner, Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, and comments by aides insulting some of President Barack Obama's closest advisers.

An article out this week in the magazine depicts Gen. Stanley McChrystal as a lone wolf on the outs with many important figures in the Obama administration and unable to convince even some of his own soldiers that his strategy can win the war.

"I extend my sincerest apology for this profile. It was a mistake reflecting poor judgment and should never have happened," McChrystal said in a statement."

Up until a month or so back, I'd been receiving Afghan sitreps on a daily basis. General McChrystal has all but put an end to the free flow of even unclassified materials from the theater, and while I won't talk out of school about specifics, what I have learned leads me to strongly believe that the General is losing this war.

The only way we leave Afghanistan without being defeated is to appoint a different commander, as it has become painfully obvious that General McChrystal cannot even swing a tie, let alone victory. Like I said, I've been itchy about this for quite a while but only now that it appears he may be leaving could I speak up.

I've never wanted to be proved wrong as much as I do right now. Senior NCO's can always tell. Good men are dying every day for all the wrong reasons. It's time to pull the plug or bring in a fighting man to lead the battle.

1 comment:

Speak yer peace, fella's