Friday, July 30, 2010

Saggy Pants Just Fine With Bronx Judge

You have the right to remain ridiculous

A Bronx judge has thrown out a summons issued against a Bronx man for wearing saggy pants, finding that "the Constitution still leaves some opportunity for people to be foolish if they so desire."

Judge Ruben Franco said that although Julio Martinez may have offended the fashion police with his low-hanging and underwear-exposing pants, his manner of dress didn't deserve a ticket from a cop.

"While most of us may consider it distasteful, and indeed foolish, to wear one's pants so low as to expose the underwear . . . people can dress as they please, wear anything, so long as they do not offend public order and decency," the judge wrote. 

The more we accept indecency the more indecency there is. Difficult for liberal judges to understand, I know, but true nonetheless. 

As is the case with most of today's hood-fashion-sense, this is something that first became popular in prison systems. In order to speak as close to the bars as possible, baseball caps were turned sideways or to the rear, and little bitchy boys advertised that they were little bitchy boys by prancing about with lowered trousers.

Bragging about being an ex-con is one thing, so as to assume some street-cred, but behaving like a prison pillow biter is something I'll never understand.

And as I said in the previous posting, we really don't have to go looking very hard for illegal aliens...they'll find us by such deviant behaviors. Nothing in the article that overtly pointed to lil Miss Martinez being an illegal skank, but neither the judge nor the writer went on to say how good the kid was doing at his job or turning his life around or going great guns in his first year at Harvard.

Nowadays it's what ISN'T said that provides the most insight.

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