Friday, August 12, 2011

California Releases The Dropout Numbers For 2010: Read 'Em and Weep

About 1 out of 5 California students from the Class of 2010 dropped out of high school before graduation day, according to new state figures, with about one 1 in 6 dropping out in Santa Clara County.
But there was also some positive news in a report that usually dwells on the bad: Santa Clara County's push to get more students ready for college seems to be working.
Half of the county's graduates in 2010 had completed the courses required to enter UC or CSU schools -- compared with 34 percent of their fellow graduates across the state. The numbers are on the rise in the South Bay, even for groups who traditionally score lower, such as Latinos.

What this particular article doesn't break down is the ethnicity of the dropouts. Strangely enough, both blacks and hispanics account for the lions share of the numbers; roughly 60% of both groups graduate compared to an average of 85% for whites and asians.

Take away both, then California, and indeed the entire country, would be graduating more high school'ers than any nation in the world.

Why IS this, you query?

Entitlement. The notion that is banged into their heads that nothing bad they do is their fault and anything else they do is ice cream with all the fixin's. They simply need to be taught the meaning of accountability, but that's not going to happen so adios amigos. Lousy teachers add to the fuss, as well as parenting that flat our sucks.

And PS: More money isn't the answer as the dropout schools generally spend twice as much as the ones that graduate their kids.


  1. And he ones who stayed and graduated? Probably 80% of those "dropped out" in sixth grade... mentally, at least.

  2. Since all of the numbers are fudged, I imagine the true results are even worse. And yea, lots dropout as soon as they are of age to do so and that can mean the third grade.


Speak yer peace, fella's