Thursday, October 27, 2011

Global Warming...We Hardly Knew Ye

Current hard times also explain the demise of global warming advocacy. With high unemployment and near nonexistent economic growth, Americans do not want to shut down generating plants or pay new surcharges on their power bills. Most people worry first about having any car that runs -- not whether it's a more expensive green hybrid model.
Over the last half-century, Americans have agreed that smoky plants and polluting industries needed to be cleaned up. But when the green movement began to classify clean-burning heat as a pollutant, it began to lose the cash-strapped public.
While the Obama administration was subsidizing failed or inefficient green industries, radical breakthroughs in domestic fossil-fuel exploration and recovery -- especially horizontal drilling and fracking -- have vastly increased the known American reserves of gas and oil. Modern efficient engines have meant that both can be consumed with little, if any, pollution -- at a time when a struggling U.S. economy is paying nearly half a trillion dollars for imported fossil fuels. The public apparently would prefer developing more of our own gas, oil, shale, tar sands and coal as an alternative to going broke by either importing more fuels from abroad or subsidizing more inefficient windmills and solar panels at home.
We simply don't know positively whether recent human activity has caused the planet to warm up to dangerous levels. But we do know that those who insist it does are sometimes disingenuous, often profit-minded, and nearly always impractical."

Just two things one need know about the modern liberal response to a crisis. Get hysterical, then do the dumbest thing imaginable to fix what appears to be broken.


  1. "We simply don't know positively whether recent human activity has caused the planet to warm up to dangerous levels."

    We do know that whatever warming has taken place is not dangerous. Fact is that a bit more heat and CO2 would be of great benefit. The growing season would lengthen and the productivity of individual plants would increase causing food production to skyrocket and deaths from low temps would decrease.

  2. "If it ain't broke, we'll fix it until it is."
    - Federal government


Speak yer peace, fella's