Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Marines "Testing" Women For Combat Roles

WASHINGTON -- There may be some anxiety from male Marines as female officers work their way into infantry and other combat jobs that historically have been open only to men, Gen. James F. Amos, the Marine Corps commandant, said Tuesday.
Amos said early steps to begin moving women into artillery, tank air defense and combat engineer units have been successful, but the more difficult tests lie ahead.
"Change doesn't come easy to the United States Marine Corps," Amos told an audience at the National Press Club. "But when it does, when it's rooted, it lasts forever. So I think we'll work our way through it."
A key challenge will take place next month as female Marine officers attend the grueling infantry officer school at a Marine Corps base in Virginia as part of an experiment to gauge whether women can handle the course's extreme physical and mental challenges. So far, two women have volunteered to go through the 13-week course, which historically sees attrition rates of 20 percent to 25 percent when only men are participating.

There has never been a female attached to a ground combat unit anywhere in the free world.

The Israeli's tried it and dropped it at once. The Brits tried it and said sorry old chappette, but maybe next time, and even our Army decided it was ludicrous to expect the average female to perform as well as her male counterpart.

Politically correct bullshit to please the likes of Barbara the Boxer. So of course they'll lower the standards which will result in having to requisition a lot more body bags.

Oh and lets not forget this little tidbit. Combat troops advance in rank a lot faster than office pogues, so look for them to eventually file a discrimination in the workplace lawsuit.

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