Saturday, October 13, 2012

Let The Stoning Begin

Kidney stoning, that is. Health issues rearing their dreary head again. Be back soon.


  1. Ouch...not fun. Hope they take care of it quickly!

  2. Sadly, kidney stones can be the gift that keeps on digging. The damage these little buggers can do to the urinary tract is a pain in the, well, urinary tract.

    The upside was the terrific care I received at the VA hospital. The Malcolm Randall facility here in Gainesville recently added an enormous new wing so I had pretty much an entire floor all to my lonesome, and that meant a single- bed room and nurses hovering at my beck and call. Being a Marine and shamed at being forced to endure bedrest I didn't do a helluva lot of becking and calling though.


Speak yer peace, fella's