Monday, January 28, 2013

Iranian Nuke Facility Goes BOOM

An explosion deep within Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility has destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground, according to a former intelligence officer of the Islamic regime.

According to a source in the security forces protecting Fordow, an explosion on Monday at 11:30 a.m. Tehran time rocked the site, which is buried deep under a mountain and immune not only to airstrikes but to most bunker-buster bombs. The report of the blast came via Hamidreza Zakeri, formerly with the Islamic regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and National Security.

The blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. Security forces have enforced a no-traffic radius of 15 miles, and the Tehran-Qom highway was shut down for several hours after the blast, the source said. As of Wednesday afternoon, rescue workers had failed to reach the trapped personnel.

Not that I'd doubt for a moment that one or more of those insane moose limbs simply pushed the wrong button...whoops...but it sure seems that someone got past security with one helluva boom-boom maker.


  1. There's been a history of suspicious and unlikely "failures" over the last few years, not to mention a few conveniently timed deaths...

  2. Oh how I wish we still had the stones to do business like the Israelis.


Speak yer peace, fella's