Friday, November 11, 2005

And Now Something From One Of The New Little Liberal Loons That The Left Can't Gush Enough Over...

This whole torturing terrorist prisoners deal has me wondering precisely what planet the far-left socialist moonbats think they've landed upon, and don't dare give me that bullswaddle about them being born here. No true earthling can be that dumb.

And Barracks Obama, the sobbing weepy little shit from Illinois is all ascared and aflame over the thought of treating those who would kill us with anything but kid gloves.

The Corner on National Review Online

"The professional grievance industry and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) are up in arms because Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL) had the temerity to say that “discrimination against young Arab males from terrorist-producing states” was warranted in the visa-awarding process."

Memo to Sen. Obama: Aliens living overseas don’t have civil liberties under the American Constitution. Coming to this country is a privilege, not a right. Government's first responsibility is the security of the governed. And whatever one may think of “public diplomacy,” your drivel does a disservice to the civil rights of Americans to live and have their government take common sense protective measures."

Calling Senator Obama's words drivel does a disservice to genuine drivel, but NRO has to be nice-nice because it's a mainstream publication.

Here we have no such problem, and calling that dirt-bag from Illinois a dirt-bag isn't a big deal. Protecting America's enemies is HIGH on Meat-Me-In-The-Barracks list of things to do, and his whining about poor widdle arabs receiving more scrutiny is criminal coming from a US Senator.

Whinging little fuckface.

I'm convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the left got their hands on secret Nazi cloning documents and have been cranking out wimpy little frigs on a regular basis after swiping some of Stalin's hair follicles and adding DNA from Papa Joe Kennedy's nail clippings in order to make one tough ass commie.

But something, some sort of contamination got into the mix because instead of bad-boy socialists from the old school, we get washed out, dreary little wannabe's like Osama, strike that, I mean OBAMA. It's not bad enough that such losers want to keep not only their folks but everyone on the dole, some dole, ANY frickin' dole, but they add to the old fashioned liberal agenda by aiding and abetting our enemies as well.

Dis I say he was a whinging little fuckface? Okay.

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