Saturday, November 12, 2005

Nomenclature...Attention To Detail...And Remington

Been a gun nut all of my adult life. Was a Marine too, and learned the value of a keen attention to detail.

And while I'm not as anal as some, it DOES drive me to distraction to hear someone say "clip" when they mean magazine. Was flipping through the channels and stopped for a moment or so on the show "Numbers", and the cops were looking for a spent .45 caliber bullet to trace back to this weeks bad guy. Two supposed gun-knowledgeable policemen and sure enough they used clip instead of the proper terminology.

Attention to detail can save your life. Especially when confronting a rather large man who FRICKIN HATES IT when people say clip when they mean magazine.

Then there's Remington. Bowing to the vernacular. So, if you're a clip aficianado, show this picture the next time someone threatens to stamp an expiration date on your birth certificate for using the wrong word.

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Speak yer peace, fella's