Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Animal Lovers In Massachusetts Get A Break...

WorldNetDaily: Bill softens bestiality statute

"Four state legislators in Massachusetts have introduced a bill that would soften the crime of bestiality, a move pro-family activists say is a natural progression of the state's legalizing same-sex marriage.

Stated traditional-values organization Article 8: "State Sen. Cynthia Creem, Sen. Robert O'Leary, Rep. Michael Festa and Rep. David Linsky have some interesting things in common.

"They're all strongly endorsed by the state's three major powerful homosexual lobbying groups. They're all Democrats. They're all vocal supporters of homosexual 'marriage' and whatever else the homosexual lobby bids them to do.

"And now all four have introduced Senate bill 938. Even the left-wing Weekly Dig can't believe that the Massachusetts Legislature is poised to go this far."

Listen, and this is disgusting but you should hear it. Small, furry animals are often used in certain homosexual acts. This is not a gag, although it makes me WANT to gag, but a relative of mine interned in one of NYC's busiest emergency rooms and the things the man removed from...

If and when a cop was present, the docs would hand over a smothered gerbil or hamster and ask to have the individual responsible cited for animal cruelty and some time the cops would go along.

Bottom line? If you can pop your pal in the seat it's not that far of a stretch to act like, say, Arafat, or the great prophet Mo and have a little fun with your pets.
There was a time when sodomy was considered a depravity. Not any more. There was also a time when beastiality was a depravity. But thanks to the good folks in Mass, it's moving along the road to acceptance.

Link to the above found at: Ankle Biting Pundits

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