Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Woodward Claim on CIA Leak Disputes Charge

WASHINGTON - Bob Woodward's version of when and where he learned the identity of a CIA operative contradicts a special prosecutor's contention that Vice President Dick Cheney's top aide was the first to make the disclosure to reporters."

So lemme get this straight. Woodward has a different recollection than the dozens of other people with different recollections, so because Libby also had a different recollection HE got indicted?

At the very LEAST it proves that Libby wasn't out to "get" Wilson or his goofy wife Valerie, because Woodward would have been THE person TO tell.

LMAO. The lefties were praying for Fitzmass and got Fiddlefucked.

Can you imagine when this gets to trial and a jury hears several different versions of who told what to whom and when? That's if it makes it to trail, and were it you or me, any halfway decent judge admonishes the prosecutor for indicting on such lame "evidence". But the loons must have their pound of flesh so it'll go the whole nine yards and be laughed at for the nonsense it really is

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