Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Badly Done Journalism...

...But it's the NY Times, so we cut the "paper of record" some slack because they've been bringing bad journalism to new heights, and all trailblazers should receive the recognition they so rightfully deserve.

France Declares 12-Day State of Emergency to Curb Crisis


"Rioters have sown disorder in the streets, burning cars, targeting businesses, schools and churches and police."

The state of emergency is not much more than a curfew, and was implemented to possibly, maybe, who-knows, in-hopes-of, easing the situation without France resorting to get--tough measures that would incense the rioting moslems. The police are already saying they haven't a clue as how to stop this thing so who needs to give them more grief, eh, mon ami?

France's curfew will no more curb the crisis than a plea from Jerry Lewis would, the toilet paper of record knows this...remember, these guys ain't dumb, just liberal...but publishing ANYTHING that stands a snowballs chance of working is far better than imagining their dear and sacred French cow marched off to the abbatoir.

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