Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Daniel Pipes Up...

Reflections on the Revolution in France* - article by Daniel Pipes

The rioting by Muslim youth that began October 27 in France to calls of "Allahu Akbar" may be a turning point in European history.

What started in Clichy-sous-Bois, on the outskirts of Paris, by its 11th night had spread to 300 French cities and towns, as well as to Belgium and Germany. The violence, which has already been called some evocative names – intifada, jihad, guerilla war, insurrection, rebellion, and civil war – prompts several reflections.

End of an era: The time of cultural innocence and political naïveté, when the French could blunder without seeing or feeling the consequences, is drawing to a close. As in other European countries (notably Denmark and Spain), a bundle of related issues, all touching on the Muslim presence, has now moved to the top of the policy agenda in France, where it likely will remain for decades."

First of all, I know that Daniel must maintain a certain level of political correctness, but "Muslim youths" is not only far too kind, it is incorrect. The MEDIA has pronounced that the bomb makers and throwers and money behind this insurrection are rapscallions barely out of diapers, but there are probably as many late-20's to mid-30's moslems doing the damage as there are "youths". That's at least what the people who actually LIVE THERE tell me, and it makes sense. These street waifs up and organized themselves just like that, huh?


Secondly, current events move so quickly today that "turning point" has been so overused as to be rendered meaningless. The true turning point happened decades ago and France is paying for it now, true, but all that will come of this is more entitlement programs...that means more welfare and lots of it...and the rest of Europe will at least have the advantage of seeing how badly the French have mucked things up and act accordingly.

But can they? Can Europe act accordingly? Can Europe stress the values of Europe without being attacked by a ruthless religion that simply wants to take over?

"Thanks for those museums and cool towers, but they're ours now." is the reality of it, and if all of Europe cannot see this truth then it deserves to be officially designated as Eurabia. We'll stop by to remove the nukes fellas and gals, but after that you're on your own.

Oh yes, almost forgot about the graveyards. We'll take back our honored dead too, before the deranged followers of a lunatic prophet can disgrace them. Stand in our way and face the consequences, or move aside like good little terrorists and we won't hurt you.

Not yet.

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