Saturday, November 12, 2005

Bench Marks

Good riposte:

Sarah Weddington, baby killer extraordinaire...she won the 1973 Roe case...had this to say about Samuel Alito:

"At this point, I will assume I will eventually come out against him," a foregone conclusion because, after all, it's all about winning-winning-winning, and even 30+ years later it remains in ambulance chasers blood, " "The question we have to ask is, would we want to live in an America he would envision?"

Which was answered by the National Review's token foreign-sounding-name guy Rammesh Ponnuru with: I think that what she means is: "Would too many people be allowed to live in the America he would help create?"

Score one for the dot-head.

The 30 million or so human beings killed since 1973 simply for being conceived in the wrong country at the wrong time could not be reached for comment.

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Speak yer peace, fella's