Saturday, November 12, 2005

The TIMES weighs in on W's socking it to the traitors who'd change history because they lost an election. "Contends" is of course a mealymouthed way of putting it, but it wasn't a loony lefty spitting bile so they pass it along without their usual flamming-liberal rhetoric attached. Besides, Bush never mentioned saving the children, or the plants, or the whales, or how he'd destroy all guns in the world, so it's amazing they even paid attention to begin with.

By the way, several days have gone by since it was announced that the Senate is considering a special prosecutor to look into the CIA-prisons leak, and still not a peep from the paper of record. Saw one of their higher-ups on Charlie Rose the other night...never did catch the detweillers name...and he was going on, and on, and on some more about how everything was looking rosey for the newspaper, and Charlie just sat there and nodded. And the guy was a fruitcake to end all fruitcakes. No, I don't mean gay, just fucked to the nines, and about as clueless as a human being could be and still breathe without having to call for an underling to blow vigorously into his mouth for him.

Bush Contends Partisan Critics Hurt War Effort


President Bush made his most aggressive effort to date to counter the
charge that he had misled the nation into war.

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