Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Dead King Rat...Still Un-Arisen

When in doubt, check LGF, and sure enough Charles has found some stomach-wrenching adoration for the father of modern terrorism:

lgf: Arafish Revisionism

"British rag al-Guardian continues to surprise us with their astonishing depravity. Here we have a piece lauding one of the world’s most disgusting murderous despots as a moral titan: Arafat the obstacle has been exposed as a myth."

"One year after Yasser Arafat’s death, and he has passed into silent myth and legend. As with all great historical figures, the myth is both powerful and pervasive. Yet in Arafat’s case, it possesses a peculiar driving force that frames the manner in which we see the present. Indeed, everything about the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel is shaped by this myth. In the west it is entirely a negative myth, cultivated by the press and parroted by political elites, diplomats and intellectuals. It is obvious why Israel would portray its enemy in such a bad light, but why did this negative myth take hold outside Israel with such strength and persuasion?"

Makes me wanna puke. Good lord but how frightened must the Brits be to kow-tow to such a monstrous figure?

Beg pardon? REALLY frightened? Okay.

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