Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Howie The Coward

A lot of bloggers have been jumping on Howie Dean for turning tail instead of debating Ken Mehlman, and the dudes at Ankle Biting Pundits turn up the heat as well:

Maybe we figured out why Howie Dean doesn't want to go head to head with Ken Mehlman of the GOP. Likely it's because he fears confronting someone face to face who can call him on his lies. Appearing on Meet The Press yesterday, not only did Dean refuse to condemn racist smears against black MD GOP Senate candidate Michael Steele, he also claimed to be the victim of racist smears himself.

CHAIRMAN DEAN: I don't like that stuff (illegally obtaining Steele's credit report). Look, the Republicans have a long history of saying that those things happened. And they may or may not have. If that happened, it's not right. But I didn't hear Ken condemning the Chairman of the Maryland party when he called me an Anti-Semite.
Dean's only problem is that his claim is not true. John M. Kane, chairman of the Maryland GOP has demanded an apology for Dean's slanderous statements. No word from Howie on whether one is coming. Again, we'll say to our Democrat friends - Thank You for electing this idiot your leader.

All we can add is a hearty YES. With Dean in charge they can't win. He's fun to watch though, isn't he?

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