Friday, November 18, 2005

From Heroes To Sickos...

New York Daily News - City News - These hi-tops for sneaking across border

"Brooklyn artist Judi Werthein is jumping into the volatile debate over illegal immigration by creating special high tops designed for sneaking into the United States.
A map of the border area around Tijuana, Mexico, and the best routes to San Diego is printed on the removable insole. A compass and tiny flashlight are fixed to the shoelaces, helping the wearer travel day or night.

The "Brinco" - jump in Spanish - is olive green with an Aztec eagle on the heel and an American eagle on the toe, symbolizing the home they are leaving and the dream they are chasing.
Werthein, who immigrated legally from Argentina to Brooklyn in 1997, sells the shoes for $215 to well-heeled customers at galleries like Printed Matter in Chelsea. She hands out the rest to migrants in Tijuana preparing to make the dangerous trek into the U.S."

The "dream" they are chasing. Becoming felons? Killing cops? Rape, robbery? This sicko probably believes this to be a great attempt at getting publicity for her "work", but the ONLY press she should be getting are letters from people who've been savaged by the thousands of illegals that swarm our shores, perhaps even from the wife of a young police office shot by one of her little darlins:

Real Teen- Right on the Right » Blog Archive » Dallas Cop Killed By Illegal Alien

We live in a dangerous world and are protected by many brave people. Some of them give their lives for us, and it that isn't enough of a horror, asking them to lay it all on the line because we allow illegal aliens to flaunt our borders at will, is itself a hideous crime.

"There’s a story out there about a Dallas Cop being killed, but what they won’t tell you is that he was killed by a twice-arrested illegal alien. A source of mine from Texas has confirmed that the man who killed the cop was indeed an illegal alien, and major newspapers are omitting this key piece of information. My source tells me this:

The “alleged” killer is an illegal alien or should I say, criminal alien (since illegal alien is offensive to them) He has been arrested twice but I.C.E ( never allowed the police to do anything about his illegal status. They could have deported him both times but our policies don’t allow that, so this newlywed, young officer was killed by him. He was a great man and had volunteered to work the anti-gang unit. He had just ended his shift and was driving home to his wife and heard the domestic disturbance call. Even though he didn’t have to, he responded to the call and this vermin took his life.

Major newspapers, including Dallas’s own Dallas Morning News have omitted this key detail, and have only posted the alleged killer’s name."

Now, it's entirely possible that the media had not as yet obtained certain information about the killers status, but that's stretching things in order to have a semblance of fairness.

Why don't you send some free sneakers to Dallas, Judi? And are you descended from the infamous Werthein's who escaped to Argentina from Germany after the fall of the Third Reich?

Wouldn't surprise me.

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