Friday, November 18, 2005

Tempest In A Blogpot

Amazing how much bile has been flowing over the launch of Open Source Media, or OSM as the Johnson/Simon lads have taken to calling it after realizing that the name was already taken.

I've no horse in this race but please now. Charles and Roger seem like genuinely nice people but the level of sophistication is mindbloggingly low. Can such one trick ponies pull this off?

I hope so. I like success stories. There doesn't seem to be a sharp edged blogger in the mix but with any luck they'll generate the traffic from longtime fans hopping aboard the new kid on the block.

Steve of Hog on Ice, and Ann Althouse are having problems understanding all of the fuss, criticizing OSM for lack of a definitive business plan [among other things], and I see where they're coming from but still think OSM stands a decent chance.

Click here to be taken on a whirlwind linking of he-said, she-said regarding OSM: lgf: The Ghost of Linkage Past

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