Monday, November 07, 2005

Gay Old Seattle...

Here's an interesting case.

In Seattle, two women became life-mates and one of them gave birth through artificial insemination. Her female partner petitioned the local court and became recognized as the child's legal parent (in lieu of a father).

The couple split up, and the woman who bore the child married the child's biological father, but since the child already HAS two parents, the father is not considered to be the father nor have any parental rights.

This case is unique, but that's what homosexual partnerships are, and there's trouble abrewing in the Seattle Supreme Court as this quite liberal body seems to be prepared to issue rulings that would allow for a THREE-PARENT, or trio-partnership relationship.

This is nothing more than polygamy, and a perfect example of how liberal courts constantly try to please all of the people all of the time. If Seattle law...legislated through the court system of course...DOES officially recognize trio relationships, and Seattle legislators enact a same-sex marriage law, then polygamy is virtually assured of being made quite legal as well.

And it will not end there for common sense has flown the coup in Washington and other states that have become as blue. With their willingness to change who is considered a parent, seemingly at the drop of a hat, it's another small step to granting legal parent status to every relationship, or life-partner a person may have, and imagine THAT imbroglio when determining visitation and or custody rights.

That's precisely why laws are needed to sort this out BEFORE matters get even more out of control. Good laws take the judges out of the equation. Bad or nonexistent laws eventually make everyone unhappy, and the liberal modus operandi to legislate from the court systems in order to circumnavigate the will of the people must stop.

Six other states recognize defacto parenthood, and it is one of the homosexual communities fondest wishes that traditional marriage be a thing of the past.

We're not talking about legal-guardianship, the status that can be afforded a non-biological mother or father that enters into a relationship after a divorce or death of one of the original parents, as legal guardian status is not enough for the homosexual community.

If they are together and a child is involved they want to both be considered parents and won't settle for anything less.

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