Monday, November 07, 2005

Race Baiting With Modern Bait

The Corner on National Review Online

RE: VA RACE [Jim Boulet Jr.]"Virginia viewers of the post-Redskins-Eagles ESPN Sportscenter were graced with a political ad entirely in Spanish, a Service Employees International Union endorsement of Democrat Tim Kaine in tomorrow's Virginia governor's race.
In a joint campaign appearance with Kaine, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson pronounced that "the multiethnic component of Northern Virginia is going to be critical" on Election Day. Kaine's approach to winning that vote is to oppose local enforcement of immigration laws.
Given that learning English is required for U.S. citizenship and only U.S. citizens are supposed to vote, the SEIU is targeting who exactly with this Spanish-only strategy?"

Mr. Boulet really needs to get out more. Minority communities stick together, and are told by liberal politicians that eventually, eventually being required to learn english in order to become a citizen and thereby vote, will be a thing of the past, but the changes must be made incrementally.

Political campaigns done in languages other than english also serve to make them appear far more immigrant friendly, and who'd vote against a politician who is a friendly advocate of ones own mother or fatherland.

That the bigoted, racist far left can still count on ANY minority support is a classic case of politics overcoming common sense, and has been elevated to an art form.

They do it and it works. Understanding precisely why it works also appears to be an art form
unto itself as there are so many people who just don't get it.

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