Thursday, November 10, 2005

Guess It's Better Than The Alternative Of Even More Serbs...

Ananova - Serbs line up for testicle shocks

Men in Serbia are lining up to have electric shocks delivered to their testicles as part of a new contraceptive treatment.

Serbian fertility expert Dr Sava Bojovic, who runs one of the clinics offering the service, said the small electric shock makes men temporarily infertile by stunning their sperm into a state of immobility.

He said: "We attach electrodes to either side of the testicles and send low electricity currents flowing through them.

"This stuns the sperm, effectively putting them to sleep for up to 10 days, which means couples can have sex without fear of getting pregnant."

Nothing new there. Police have been tasering men for years and giggling about how so and so won't be knockin' up the old lady tonight. As long as it keeps the Serb population under control, shock them balls, boys.

Got to wonder if this detweiller and that Palestinian sonic-boom quack went to the same medical school. Stuns the sperm. Right. Be cheaper in the long run to simply give them eyeglasses so they might see just how frickin ugly the women are.

That'd stun their sperm.

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