Thursday, November 10, 2005

Put On Your Best Inspector Clouseau Imitation And Follow Along...

"Politics in France is heading to the right and I don't want rightwing politicians back in second, or even first place because we showed burning cars on television," Mr Dassier told an audience of broadcasters at the News Xchange conference in Amsterdam today."

First off, Jeannie, it's first or even second place, not the other way around, but I know how traumatized you must be from seeing your beloved little piece of The EUrinal being flushed down the Seine, so I'll cut you some slack. How reporting the FUCKING NEWS is the fault of, or a benny for the right wing politicians should be NONE OF YOUR FROGSTEPPING business.

Told ya they'd resort to lying when the riots didn't stop, and here's how it will play out:

The masterminds behind all of this are already meeting with French authorities. Under the table deals are being negotiated and plenty, repeat PLENTY of that stolen oil for food cash is changing hands. Dirty little French hands forking it over to filthy little moslem hands. The riots WILL ebb, then finally stop, peaceful coexistence will have been proven to work, and France's problems with both the media and reality go away for a time.

Rewind and repeat not too far down the road but the French mindset is fuck tomorrow, we've truffles for today.

All it has EVER taken to get an arab to make nice is money. The Frenchies have tons of it stashed away from one swindle or another and the moslem conmen have won another round of "Let's Fuck With Europe".

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