Saturday, November 12, 2005

More Flummery From The Mo-Ham-Id-Ites

If it's one thing the moslems have more of a fit over than someone slapping a nice slab of ham alongside their eggs, it's depictions of that 6th century barbarian to end all barbarians. And you can't tell me that a man who'd rape 12 year old girls had a strict dietary doctrine, so please, Mo-Ham-Id not only brought the mountain to him, he stocked it with his prize pigs for whenever he felt the urge to fellate a porker and one of his fat-ass followers wasn't handy.

Is there a point to this, you ask. Not that I need a point to play fiddle-fuck with islams finest, but the weeping and gnashing of teeth over a Danish newspaper publishing cartoons of old Mo hasn't subsided, and here's an update from none other than Misha of the Anti-Idiotarion Rottweiler:

More Bitching and Moaning From the Religion of Censorship

Two of the world’s leading Muslim thinkers, Iranian human rights fighter Shirin Ebadi and British philosopher Tariq Ramadan, agree that a Danish newspaper’s decision to print caricatures of prophet Mohammed did more harm than good.
Cartoons featuring Muslim prophet Mohammed caused a divide between Denmark’s Muslim and non-Muslim populations, rather than uniting them and calming hostile voices, two of the world’s leading Muslim democratic thinkers say.

"…which only proves that at least some mooselimbs are completely incapable of peacefully coexisting with such quaint notions as “freedom of speech” and “democracy”, something that’s hardly a surprise to anybody with a brain more evolved than a turnip, but we assure you that that is not the point that these two “thinkers” are meandering across the desert in search of.

Obviously, the only ones who have to show tolerance are non-mooselimbs. You don’t have to tolerate fuck all if it contradicts your savage, 7th century pedophile fantasies, but the rest of us have to walk on egg shells around you, lest we be accused of behaving in a “totalitarian fashion.”

Good rant, and worth a look see.

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