Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Open Sources Sleep A Lot Better Knowing That...

The Pajama's Are Back In The Fold...

Open Source

The End of the Name Game

Figuring This Thing Out, Us Brendan, November 22nd, 2005
Roger Simon emailed yesterday that he was about to call with good news. Then he called, and it was good. What was OSM will once again be Pajamas Media. Roger assured us they had no intention of causing us any trouble and, given what they’re creating, it’s easy to imagine they’ve got a lot to deal with.

By the way, if this post doesn’t make any sense to you, start here.

What’s nice, actually, is how all this got worked through. Other blogs picked up on the possibility of conflict before we did; other blogs offered advice, for the most part constructive, to both us and Pajamas Media. Lawyers were consulted, but not resorted to. This is a good thing; apart from being cheaper, it engenders trust and confirms that this system — this infinite number of fact checkers — works."

Roger Simon was right. Pajama's WAS a horrid name for their blog, but now that they've gagged on crow it'll be a while before they can change the name to something a tad more sophisticated...what with all that GRAVITAS they wanna generate.

And betcha they check real good this time.

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