Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Update On CNN's X-Man...

Real Teen- Right on the Right » Blog Archive » CNN X Intentional

"...the international marketing consulting firm Team Hollywood Inc., responsible for a database of over 11 million Americans, both Democrats and Republicans from across the country, was consumed with the calls. “The volume of calls to our company became an issue that could not be ignored,” stated Joan Friedman of Team Hollywood. “We needed a statement on behalf of the Internet community callers and their newsworthy Blogs, so we made the call.”

When the founders of the company, Preska Thomas and Kevin Finn, made contact with the network, to their surprise they were bullied and harassed in the same way by the Headline News desk. Callers were repeatedly told by CNN, “Tell the President and Vice-President Dick Cheney to stop lying.” Team Hollywood’s conversation with the newsdesk was recorded. When the tape is played back, amongst political statements being made by the network were the words that the “X” was intentional, as an act of free speech by CNN."

So much for the "experts" who were claiming that the X was obviously a glitch, and while I got into this late, it seemed odd that the "glitch" fit perfectly over the Vice President's visage.

The 24-48 hold-your-water rule might have to be extended on this one as more folks have a look see, but if someone actually has the recording of CNN staffers saying that it was intentional...I don't know if it is to be condemned as infantile or insane or both.

I suppose we'll all have to await the call from Open-Sauce-Media to see if this one passes the taste test.

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