Friday, November 18, 2005

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today

Great Minds Think Alike

"I don't want to diminish the threat of terrorism at all, it is extremely serious, but on a long-term global basis, global warming is the most serious problem we are facing."--Al Gore, quoted in the Melbourne, Australia, Age, Nov. 14

"Osama bin Laden wants the United States to convert to Islam, ditch its constitution, abolish banks, jail homosexuals and sign the Kyoto climate change treaty."--Daily Telegraph (London), Nov. 17

And this from Senator Box'tor of the Outer Quadrant Klingons...from her new novel about a liberal Senator from California. I think it's supposed to be fiction, but writing this bad deserves a classification all to itself. And, dammit, "shit" is taken.

"It had been a particularly intense day in [Senator Ellen Fischer's] D.C. office, with a steady stream of meetings, e-mails, and phone calls from organizations and constituents, all urging her to step up her opposition to Professor Frida Hernandez's nomination to the Supreme Court. There was little time left for any attempt to block the confirmation of the ultra-conservative professor. . . .

Ellen, a member of the [Judiciary] committee, had sought to challenge the nominee's strongly suspected bias against Roe v. Wade. . . . Ellen knew that, once on the Court, Hernandez would help turn back the clock on Court decisions that Ellen believed were vital to the people."
"That was a defining moment, when Ellen knew how she'd spend the rest of her life--that she'd been put here on earth to save its endangered children."

"Town Hall for Kids was a project close to her heart, a planned forum in which young people might meet both with her and with selected public officials to discuss, in safe and neutral surroundings, not just the street problems confronting them every day, such as drugs, gangs, and the proliferation of guns, but ideas on how to make their town a better place to live. 'Talk to us!' she'd urge. 'Work with us and get involved. Let's find solutions together!' "

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