Friday, November 18, 2005

Wal Mart Had No Comment At This Point In Time...

Tears save sick mother from cremation alive

BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese peasant woman who suffered a brain haemorrhage was left at the undertakers alive for cremation because her family could no longer afford hospital treatment, state media said Friday. on the wall time...

"I tell ya this is gonna be THE thing!. Look, we do so much business with China it's a cinch, and hell no I'm not talking cheaper medical benefits. Hell no I'm not talking better treatment of the elderly...shit, we'd be out of door greeters and be down to our last few billion if we even THOUGHT of treating people fairly, but get this...Cheap, and I do say CHEAP crematoriums where it's in one second and crispy critter the next. No more, "oh gee dad, mommy just woke up"..hell no, it's drop em off and watch the smoke. Tons of old ovens left over from when Mickey-D's went belly up in Beijing, and we can have 'em for a song. Think of the agony we'd save, the trauma, the heartache...damn it's, it's, it's almost something nice to do."

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Speak yer peace, fella's