Saturday, November 19, 2005

OSM, NOT Open-Source-Media Sparks A Rant From The Rot

Was wondering when Misha was going to comment upon the Pajama-Open-And-Shut-Case-Of-Ripping-Off-Someone-Else's-Name snitfuckle, and he rarely disappoints. We commented yesterday Shooting The Messenger: Tempest In A Blogpot, and have a look-see at what his highness has to say.

Oh, For the Love of G-d, Would You Just Own Up To It?

"If only OSM would acknowledge that they effed up in their choice of name, I’m sure there wouldn’t be a problem. Stubbornly insisting that they’ve done nothing wrong when they’ve clearly made a mistake that would get a freshman econ student kicked out of class is not going to help. You fucked up, so what? We all do. Own up to it."

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Speak yer peace, fella's