Saturday, November 19, 2005

Still Senile After All These Years

PBS's NewsHour With, hold back the spittle now, Jim Lehrer.

PBS Talking Head: But may I ask you, sir, if you believe--[the president] says--for whatever reason, Iraq has become the center of terrorism - that if the U.S. appears to retreat in the face of that, that it will be a blow to the American fight against radical Islamic terrorism? What do you say to that?

Murtha: Well, I say that the fight against Americans began with Abu Ghraib. It began with the invasion of Iraq. That's when terrorism started. It didn't start when there was criticism of this administration. This administration doesn't want to listen to any ideas.

Um, the bombings of the marine barracks in Lebanon, the WTC bombing in 1993, the big one in 2001, those and more... were what? Figments of the imagination? When Clinton was dropping bombs to deflect attention from the Oval-Orals, what was that? They deserved it to be sure, but where were the Dems? They were praising Bubba for taking a strong stand AGAINST TERRORISM you senile fuckwaddle.

Also featured at [sans rude comments of course]: OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today

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