Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Point...

And no, it isn't the top of a liberal's head, this is about POW's.

During wartime we take prisoners. Civilians consider this humane treatment of captured enemy soldiers, some in the military consider it a waste of effort. The enemy is the enemy, etc. Nevertheless, we take prisoners to prevent them from rejoining their army's. If they've committed particularly heinous acts we'll also march them in front of a military tribunal, but 99.9% of the time, we simply keep them from once again taking arms against us.

By the end of WWII the Allies had at one time or another between 9-11 million Germans being held as prisoners of war. The Japanese burrowed deeper into the caves we were trying to extricate them from, and we never, thankfully, invaded mainland Japan so the count was only in the low hundreds of thousands.

They didn't have lawyers. They didn't have courts. They had 3 square meals a day, a roof over their heads, and clothing.

But today, thanks to the weepy left, we must treat these prisoners as criminals rather than enemy combatants, and that's been one of the huge differences between the left and right on how to deal with terrorism. Treat it as a war, or a crime.
The President has declared war on these terrorists, these infiltrators of decent humanity, but the liberals want the captured ones to be afforded all of the comforts of home, and since most liberals consider lawyers to be as comforting as a well-used ez chair, that means the enemy should have legal representation.

They are the captured enemy, an insidious version of a captured enemy for they wear no uniform and are essentially spies that can at any moment turn themselves into meatbombs. They represent a belief that has declared war on us over 1400 years ago, and will except nothing short of our total surrender or death. To be humane to such madmen does put on display the differences between the cultures, with us coming out the clear winners, but to be gentile with them makes us appear as idiots, or worse yet, French.

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