Thursday, November 17, 2005

"Yes, Mr. Ali, The Book You Wanted On How To Make A Pocket-Nuke Just Came In..."

Congress Arrives at A Deal on Patriot Act

Or, the Washington Post weeps for the sanctity of library cards...

"House and Senate negotiators reached a tentative agreement yesterday on revisions to the USA Patriot Act that would limit some of the government's powers while requiring the Justice Department to provide a better accounting of its secret requests for information on ordinary citizens.

But the agreement would leave intact some of the most controversial provisions of the antiterrorism law, such as government access to library and bookstore records in terrorism probes, and would extend only limited new rights to the targets of such searches."

Congress debates the death penalty being on the table for terrorists. Congress debates the powers of the President and secret courts and stealthy prisons.

But, sniff, they can STILL see our LIBRARY BOOKS!!

Such a gathering of idiots the world has never seen.

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