Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Religion of Peace Is Heard From Again...

Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » Anti-Christian Rampage by 2,000 Muslims

"They came in buses to the small village of Sangla Hill in the Nankana district of Punjab in India.
Some 2,000 organized Muslims first vandalized three churches, a nuns’ convent, two Catholic schools, the houses of a Protestant pastor and a Catholic priest, a girls’ hostel and some Christian homes, according to Asia News.

Then they burned them to the ground, while about 450 Christian families fled yesterday. They have not returned.

The Justice and Peace Commission accuses the police of “criminal negligence” because they did not intervene."

Intervene? When the entire world is falling to it's knees to beg moslem forgiveness? Pardon, the entire world save for the Bush administration, the Blair administration, and Australia.

The coalition of the willing erodes every time a u-ulator screams for his pedophile prophet to save him a virgin as he's blowing himself to pieces or hacking the heads off school children, for the moslems will not tolerate other religious beliefs and most of the world is too afraid to tell the truth let alone stop them.

But remember. It's not all the moslems. Just a handful. Some here and there. Not enough to worry about.

Right, Paris? Right, Manhattan? Right, London? How about it, Madrid?

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