Sunday, November 13, 2005

McCain: Torture Ban Needed for U.S. Image

Now, I cut McCain more slack than most because the man has not only seen the elephant but been crushed beneath it.

That being said, torture is illegal. Already illegal. This pompous theater of the absurd perpetrated by the McCains of the country sends all the wrong signals to our enemies and I include liberals among those fitting that description.

The REAL image the United States "needs" is that of a country brooking no nonsense in it's defense, and trying to define torture is as meaningless as counting those still dancing angels as they traipse across the head of a pin.

I WANT interrogators to be rough with our enemies. I WANT our enemies to know this. To know that they cannot scream for the likes of the ACLU to come to their aid, that nothing on earth will ever save them from our wrath.

Shut up, John, just shut up.

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