Sunday, November 20, 2005

Report: al-Zarqawi killed by explosions in Mosul

"At least one Arab television media outlet reported that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the head of the al-Qaida in Iraq, was killed in Iraq on Sunday afternoon when eight terrorists blew themselves up in the in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

The unconfirmed report claimed that the explosions occurred after coalition forces surrounded the house in which al-Zarqawi was hiding."

This would be wonderful, but vermin are quite difficult to exterminate so I'll withhold full frontal applause until they positively identify the rat's remains.

One at a time, that's all it takes and the real warriors who fight for us know this. They understand that it cannot happen in a day or a week like those craven fools who revel in calling themselves liberals want. This is the worst kind of war to fight, but every day and in every way we are winning the battles necessary to take us to victory. The moonbats want it wrapped up neat and tidy, some of them even former service-members who should know better, but in all honesty these people...these terror mongers...will need looking after for quite some time to come.

But here's a quick salute to the men and women who seek the ones that would do us harm, and a fervent hope that they've dispensed with yet another cowardly beast.

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