Sunday, November 20, 2005

Stop the PRESSES...Air America Pays A Bill...

Air America To Settle Lawsuit - November 18, 2005 - The New York Sun - NY Newspaper

"Air America, whose most prominent talk radio host is comedian and political pundit Al Franken, agreed in early 2004 to lease airtime on two of Multicultural's affiliates in Chicago and Los Angeles, which are among the country's largest radio markets.

According to Multicultural's complaint, Air America failed to pay more than $100,000 in air lease payments in April 2004. This prompted Multicultural's affiliates in Chicago and Los Angeles to take Air America programming off the air."

Blah blah, yadda. They didn't pay their bills, were threatened with a lawsuit and settled. Nothing newsworthy about that, BUT, someone they shafted is being paid, and that's a good thing.

Could have been MUCH worse for Airbags America. Just imagine if the OSM fella's were running the show.

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